Friday 13 January 2023

Shower Thoughts

Standing under the running water in the shower allows one’s mind to wander free.  It is the time when our mind goes into brainstorming mode and we come up with various thoughts that make us look at things with different perspectives.  Let’s deep dive into the various thoughts that could come to mind under the shower.

  • Would dogs love it if dog food makers included a toy like in kid's cereal.
  • We do not know what the most successful lie in history is because it is still believed.
  • If men disappeared tomorrow there is enough sperm sitting in donation centres to impregnate every adult woman on Earth.
  • Harry Potter was way to emotionally stable for a kid raised by people who hated him.
  • Children think adults have all the freedom and adults think that children have all the freedom.
  • People underestimate how bad one hit point of damage would hurt in real life.
  • Granite forms over millions of years of heat and pressure only to spend fifteen years in your kitchen before being returned to the earth because your colour pallet changed.
  • Basing high school expectations on teen movies is as stupid as basing your sex life on porn.
  • The average pet in the western world has a better life than the average human 200 years ago.
  • A Viking could have excavated a T-Rex skull and claimed to have slain a dragon and no one would have doubted it at all.

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