Monday 17 January 2022

Here We Go Again

Well it appears that our little reprieve is over.  Tomorrow we are back to a high of -20.  To top it off today we are under a winter storm warning.

A winter storm that will bring freezing rain, snow, strong winds and blowing snow.  The freezing rain started in the early morning and everything is already coated in ice.   My wife barely made it out the back door before turning around; she was not sure she could make it to the parking lot let alone venturing across it.  

Our dog, who normally spends a good part of his walks rolling in the snow barely made it across our small yard to the sidewalk before pulling me back to the front door.  Once it starts to get light, I will take him back out into our front yard and hopefully he will do what he has to do.  Like him, I do not really want to venture much further than that myself today.

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