Wednesday 9 June 2021

A Team By Any Other Name

This past week our local Canadian Football League (CFL) club changed the name it has played under since 1949.  Not because those who could be offended by the name were upset, they did not care about the name, but because sponsors decided that the name was offensive.  However that is not the issue I wish to discuss.

What I wish to discuss is the response of the fans of our football club.  Since the team announced that they were planning to change the name there has been a portion of fans who have voiced their disappointment.  Which I do not understand.

Players are starting to trickle back into the city as a new season is about to start.  These are the same players that we cheered for last time they played (under the old moniker).  Are we not going to cheer them under the new name?

I also find it interesting that on the team's Facebook page there are many who swear they will never attend a game or purchase merchandize emblazed with the new log (which I think looks pretty cool myself).  However, for his birthday, I purchased my father a new Edmonton Elks t-shirt.  The one I ended up picking for him was the fourth of fifth choice because the first few were sold out in his size. 

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