Saturday, 26 June 2021

Dishwasher Dilemma

Yesterday afternoon, I went to unload and reload the dishwasher.  I got started and realized that the dishes were not clean, and I was pretty sure that I had run the machine.  Then I noticed that the soap flap had not opened so I was going to wash them again.

I added a few more dishes and closed the door.  The control panel lit up like it should and I pressed the start button.  Only nothing happened.

It appears, based on what I have read online that we will likely have to replace the door latch, at least I hope that is all we have to do.  I have a fairly busy week this week already and I do not want to have to go appliance shopping on top of all of that.

Any way I had forgotten how tedious it was to wash dishes by hand.  This morning I had to make  a quick trip to the Dollarama to pick up a dish rack and draining board, as for the last 4 fours or so we have had a dishwasher so we didn't have them hanging around. Then I washed the load that was already sitting in the dishwasher as well as last night's supper dishes by hand.

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