Tuesday 6 February 2018

Dawn's Early Light

I understand, depending on your preferred weather forecasting rodent, that we have about 6 weeks of winter left.  However yesterday, the first clear day we had in a while, I saw a sign in the East that gave me hope.  When the dog and I went for our morning walk, there was a red/orange glow on the horizon.

It was then that I realized, and based on the post's title I so thought about writing it dawned on me, that the days are starting to get longer.  It will not be that long when it it light out when we take the dog for all three of his daily walks instead of just the one at 2:00 pm.  And to me, longer days means warmer temperatures.

My wife and I are planning a holiday this summer, driving cross the country.  We will be leaving fairly early in the morning, around 5:00.  I have been reminding her, and myself, for a couple of weeks now that on that day, not only will it be light when we hit the road, but it will have been light for an hour or so before we go.

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