Monday 28 December 2015

Stocking Up On Stock

Ever since visiting my sister-in-law last summer, I have been making stock every time we have chicken or turkey.  I had a good four or five containers in the freezer.

Yesterday, after a long debate about who was making it, my wife made chicken soup. This used up the last container of that stock we had in the freezer.  I guess it is time to stock up on stock.

So, I guess, we will be having chicken dinner for Sunday supper at least once a month for the next few months.  It actually is not all that difficult to prepare.  All I have to do is top at any grocery store and they have pre-cooked chickens ready to go.

I never realized how much stock I use.  Perhaps it is just that I have it around so I make more recipes that require it.   Or maybe, my sister-in-law has rubbed off on me and I have taken my cooking to the next level.

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