Saturday 10 February 2024

No One Is To Blame

Yesterday I had my follow up appointment with my family doctor.  He did the usual stuff. he checked my vitals and we discussed my sugar numbers.  But he spent most of the appointment going through my file looking for a clue that should have told him that I was on a path to a heart attack.

I had originally complained about the pain in my arm as part of my ongoing battle with arthritis and x-rays confirmed it.   There was nothing in my blood work or EKGs (every 6 months) that suggested a hint that anything was wrong.  He said he wished he had sent me for a stress test; I told him I remember going for one.

Now, I did not go to this appointment looking to blame any one.  I own an equal share of the blame.  My left arm would start to hurt and my wife would ask me if I was having a heart attack; I would respond with can't be, a heart attack doesn't disappear because I stand in a hot shower.

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