Monday 26 December 2022

Quiet Christmas

A few years ago, my wife and I decided to stop getting each other Christmas gifts.  Our wedding anniversary is Christmas Eve (11 years married on Saturday) and that is what we make a big deal out of.  Yesterday was just another day in our house only with a good meal.

Neither of us have family close by so we did not have to worry about hosting a family gathering.  My Father and her Mother are both at an age, as are we, that if they need something they go get it and not don't have to wait for Christmas or a birthday.  My niece and nephews are getting older and harder to shop for and it costs more to ship them stuff than it does to buy it.  The same can be said for my brother sending stuff our way as well.

We both gave each other Christmas stockings last year.  The tradition from my childhood that we continued in our household was a stocking includes something to read, a toy or game, and a treat along with some other little things as filler.  We were going to do so again this year but we decided to set a limit of $30.00.  Well, unlike when comics were $0.25 in my childhood, you cannot really get a magazine of any kind for less that $15.00 these day and there is half your budget.

We bought our anniversary gifts a month ago on Amazon, so there was no last minute rush trip to the mall to fight the crowds.  All in all while yesterday was nothing special, I think it was one of the better Christmases that we have had.  No muss nor fuss just a quiet, happy holiday.

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