Friday 12 February 2021

I Am So Done


As of late I seem to have lost my spark of energy and interest.  While we had a fairly mild winter, up until this past week, it has still been long and dark.  Then top that up with living through a pandemic.

I am finding it hard to keep myself occupied.  I do not seem to have the energy to do my chores nor do I have the interest to do anything I enjoy.  I am having a lot of naps because it takes up time and something to do.

I am ready to go somewhere and I do not mean another ride with my wife.  I want to get on a plane or ship and go stay somewhere.  Through my ancestry account I have discovered that I have family in England, USA, South Africa, and Australia and it would be fun to visit.

Out of curiosity, I looked up a flight to South Africa.  It takes 36 hours to get there and would cost us $36,000.00 (for first class seats).  So I guess that we need to win the lottery to go.

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