Friday 4 December 2020

Sidelined Again

It amazes me that I was ever able to complete a month's worth of recipes as my second attempt to complete a week's worth has come to a crashing halt.  This time I cannot even blame my wife, who has been back to work, half days, all week.  This time it was the pandemic.

Whether you want to call it cabin fever or covid fatique I have it.  I no longer have an interest in doing much of anything, whether it be getting my chores done, playing video games, watching TV, or working on the computer.  However, the one thing that I seem to be very good at right now is sleeping.

That is as long as it is during the day, at night not so much.  I can lay down for a nap and I am out like a light, but bedtime is at least an hour of tossing and turning, getting back up for a while, and then finally going to sleep about 4 hours after I had originally went to bed.  Add to that the it is now dark out from 4:30 PM until 8:30 AM and there just are not enough hours in the day.

I know that it will not last forever, right now it just feels like it.

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