Sunday 11 October 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

They keep telling me that I am living in through a history changing moment.  I suppose that is true and life will never be what it once was.  So, today as my wife and I enjoy a delicious meal and each other's company, I want to think about what I am truly thankful for.

  • Dogs - Who is not thankful for dogs?
  • Family - I am thankful for those who I have known all my life and those new connections I have made in the past year.
  • Food - My cup runneth over and my plate is never empty.
  • Friends - I have been fortunate enough to surround myself with people who I can count on.
  • Health - It has been a trying year, but I am still healthy(ish) and happy.
  • Love of My Life - She keeps me happy, healthy, and on course.
  • Music - Even at the worst moments in my life, music can lift me up.

To those celebrating this long weekend I wish you health and happiness.  At the end of the day, I will be thankful because I have a roof over my head, a full belly, and people in my life who care about me.

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