Monday, 13 April 2020

Self-Isolation Realizations

My wife has been deemed an essential employee as a civilian member of our city's police service.  As a result, we have been practicing self-isolation since the 16th of March.  We are only going out for essentials, my wife briefly going to her office (to drop off a pick up work) as she is now pretty much working from home, and the rare mental health drive through the country (just to get out of the city and de-stress a little).

As I have spent a month in the house, I have come to some realizations that I would like to share:

  • Self-isolating does not really make that much of a difference in the life of a domesticated  house hubby.
  • I either need to develop some new hobbies or buy more video games.
  • My wife said I need to develop new hobbies so I am giving hibernation a go (which lead to an interesting topic of bears have pee dreams while they hibernate?)
  •  Someone at Shaw Cable is very aware of what is going on in the world, our last cable bill (when all the self-isolation started) went up $20.00, I have since discovered that is because my download cap went from 500 GB a month to unlimited.
  •  A completely unrelated realization, my wife watches more British murder mysteries than all of Britain, thus far she has watched:

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