Monday 1 October 2018

Royal Silver

This past summer my wife, the dog and I drove to Ontario for a visit.  While the trip was originally planned in November, the reasoning changed in April when my mother passed away.  So our visit became a memorial and helping my father clean out some of my mothers stuff.

We returned home with two sets of my mother's good dishes and her silverware.  One set that my wife really liked which has become our good dishes, and a set that my father really liked, that have become our day to day dishes.  We will be using the good dishes for the first time next weekend for Thanksgiving.

Since our visit, my father has continued his down sizing.  He has moved from a three bedroom apartment to a two bedroom apartment.  And we have received another box or two of stuff as a result.

One of these box contained the remainder of my mothers silver and a product called Royal Silver (the amazing cleaning plate).  A TVSupertek product for cleaning silver.  This product is likely as old as I am and you will not find it on their website (I checked).

So sometime this week, I will see if 40 - 45 year old washing soda is still good.  If so, we will have beautiful silver for our Thanksgiving dinner.  If not, well let's hope it does not blow up.

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