Friday 23 February 2018

A New Habit

Today, I am going to start a new habit.  I am an admitted pop addict, I drink it like it is going out of style.  Something that my wife is somewhat concerned about.

So this summer, during our trip I was planning to get bottled water at rest stops and save the pop for lunch and dinner breaks.  But, this morning while walking the dog, I decided why put off till then what I can do now.

I have made the decision to start this new habit for three reasons:

  1. It is healthier, so my wife will be happy.
  2. It is cheaper, so my wallet will be happy.
  3. I do not have any pop in the house right now, so I do not really have a choice.

I have got my 2 water pitchers in the fridge getting cold.  Let the new habit begin...right after I finish my morning coffee.

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