Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Bourbon BBQ Cheeseburger Meatball Subs

A fun twist on the classic meatball sub with bourbon BBQ sauce, bacon, and cheeseburger flavors.  This recipe came from Facebook and was originally posted by Grandma's Cooking Recipes.  Serve with a side of fries or chips.


  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 1/2 cup breadcrumbs
  • 1/4 cup grated cheddar cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup bourbon BBQ sauce
  • 6 slices cooked bacon, crumbled
  • 4 sub rolls
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C).
  • Mix ground beef, breadcrumbs, cheddar cheese, egg, salt, and pepper.
  • Form into meatballs and bake for 15 minutes.
  • Drizzle meatballs with bourbon BBQ sauce and bake for another 5 minutes.
  • Serve on sub rolls, topped with crumbled bacon.
  • Note: Add pickles or onions for extra flavor.

Monday, 3 March 2025

When Did I Get Old

I wonder what my teenage self would say if I could go back and tell him what life is like at 55.  Tell him that in the past year we have had a heart attack, had a stent inserted in our heart, and had bypass surgery.  That we now take 9 pills every morning, 6 of which are for our heart.

There was a time when I didn't hurt all the time.  There was a time when it was not uncommon for me to sleep through the night as opposed to 3 hour stints with an hour or 2 in between.  There was a time when I was sure that I was invincible.

Now I worry about falling when I lift a foot up to put my slipper on.  Now I make sure that along with wallet, phone, and keys, I have a nitro spray in my pocket when I leave the house.  Now I stop when I see a washroom...just in case.

When I was 27 my father was 55.  I would have never referred to him as old.  However, I am not so sure that a 27 year old wouldn't refer to me as old  now.

Monday, 3 February 2025

A Dilemma

I try my best to not let politics or religion slip into my posts.  That being said, I will keep this as apolitical as possible.  In light of events that occurred this past weekend I am dealing with a dilemma.

As a result of those events, there is a push to put my country first.  My wife and I do a lot of that now.  Our meat is from a local farm and some of our produce and baked goods from the local farmer's market.

However it has been suggest that I do away with certain platforms and services.  In particular Facebook and Amazon.  I use both of these services daily and cancelling them would cause me some inconveniences to say the least.

Facebook is where I connect with family and friends the majority of which live at least 3,176 km away.  Amazon always has what I need when I need it without having to go check multiple stores.  Also I listen to music via Amazon and I must say that as a member of Generation X I do not want to have to change my music collection format yet again.

Monday, 20 January 2025

Just The Neighbors

I am not sure what I was thinking about last night that lead me to this realization, but here it is.  The couple across the street from us when I was a kid were interracial.  I mean I knew he was black and she was white, but they were just the couple across the street.

It took my about 45 years to use the label "interracial" to describe them.  They were simply adults in the neighborhood and that is how I identified them.  They were my parent's friends and the parents of my brother's best friend.  Nothing more and nothing less.

Monday, 6 January 2025

A Balmy Minus Eight

After a week of temperatures ranging from -15 to -25, a day at -8 seems warm and balmy.

Friday, 3 January 2025

New Year, Same Stuff

Hoping everyone had an enjoyable holiday and a warm welcome to 2025.  As the old year drew to a close I made the same promises that I have made for at least the past ten years.  I was going to eat better, make sure I took all my prescribed medication, and just try to be healthier.

Understandable resolutions based on two trips to the hospital for cardiac related issues in the past year.  However, this year I lasted all the way to the 2nd of January before I broke my resolutions.  So I have tweaked this year's resolution making this the year of the restart.

This year, if I fall of the horse I am getting right back on!

Friday, 20 December 2024

Darkness Falls

My wife is basically able to go to bed any time after we have finished eating dinner.  I cannot go to bed until it is dark out.  At this time of the year that means I too can go to bed any time after we have finished eating dinner.  However my bedtime is much, much later in the summer.

I think this stems back to my childhood.  When I was I am going to say somewhere between 8 and 10, I had a paper route (actually I had 4 they rolled into 1).  Every Wednesday, that meant that my mom and I were up and out of the house by 5:30 AM to deliver papers.

This was not that big of a deal in the winter when I was in bed early and it was already dark out.  But it was not that much fun in the summer when I was in bed not only when it was still light out, but when I could hear my friends still outside playing.  I guess that I can't go to sleep until it is dark out now because I feel like I might be missing out on something.