Monday, 3 February 2025

A Dilemma

I try my best to not let politics or religion slip into my posts.  That being said, I will keep this as apolitical as possible.  In light of events that occurred this past weekend I am dealing with a dilemma.

As a result of those events, there is a push to put my country first.  My wife and I do a lot of that now.  Our meat is from a local farm and some of our produce and baked goods from the local farmer's market.

However it has been suggest that I do away with certain platforms and services.  In particular Facebook and Amazon.  I use both of these services daily and cancelling them would cause me some inconveniences to say the least.

Facebook is where I connect with family and friends the majority of which live at least 3,176 km away.  Amazon always has what I need when I need it without having to go check multiple stores.  Also I listen to music via Amazon and I must say that as a member of Generation X I do not want to have to change my music collection format yet again.

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