Tuesday 2 August 2016

I Am Getting Too Old For This

I went back through my blog because I was sure that I must have written a post about this before. Surprisingly, all I have written on this topic is two jokes.  So I guess it is time to write this post.

Yesterday, my wife and I celebrated Heritage Day (August Long Weekend) by visiting friends at their season campground.  We drove out, visited, and drove home.  I was exhausted.

We did not do anything special while we were out there.  We ate, we drank (pop), and we chatted.  Not what you would call a strenuous afternoon.

I cannot even blame it on the driving to and from the campground.  While I drove one way, my wife drove the other.  Her route was even a little longer as we went for a bit of an explore as well.

This seems to be becoming the norm for me.  Any outing, big or small, seems to require a nap.  A trip to the library...nap, grocery shopping...nap, Monday day trip...nap.

We are planning to visit my step-son in mid-september.  This is going to be a 10 - 12 hour drive depending on how many pit stops we need (another growing old issue, but let's save that for another post).  How embarrassing is it going to be if I have to say..."Well, we have made it, but we can't do anything right now because I need to have a sleep.

My grandfather use to always tell me "Just because you grow old does not mean you need to need to grow up."  I always thought that he was referring to maturity. But, perhaps, he was referring to nap time.

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