Friday 5 February 2016

Recipe Overload

I have finished the introduction to many a recipe on here with "As always... Kraft recipe, Kraft ingredients."  That is because when I started my blog I got myself on Kraft's mailing list.  Everyday, I receive an e-mail with four recipes.

To date that is 437 e-mails and 1748 recipes. That does not include the special e-mailings for holidays and special occasions.  For example, tomorrow I will receive, in addition to my daily e-mail, a second one with a slew of Super Bowl Recipes.

This, also, does not take into account recipes that I have gotten from other sources. Friends and family are always sending my recipes.  Not to mention my newest sources Facebook and Pinterest.

So this evening, I decided that I can't keep all these recipes in an e-mail folder forever.  I downloaded a free recipe database to move them to my laptop, which I use as my cookbook most of the time now anyway.    Now all I have to do is transfer over those 1748 plus recipes which should, as my Father use to say, keep me occupied and off the streets for a while.

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