Friday 29 January 2016

Great Urban Gardening

My father always kept a garden as I was growing up.  Our small garden, in town, grew much larger when we moved to the country. While I never got the enjoyment out of gardening that he did, I cannot deny I didn't enjoy the fresh vegetables.

When my wife and I finally move into a house of our own.  It is my intention to start a garden, and perhaps even build a small greenhouse like my father did.  Yet that is still a few years in the future.

I suppose as an apartment dweller, it is very hard to turn the earth when one lives on the ninth floor.  And sadly, we live in a world where a communal garden in the back courtyard would quickly become the target of vandals and thieves.  I guess the best I can look forward to is fresh vegetables from the farmer's market this summer.

However, thanks to a friend's post on facebook, I may have found a way to have a small garden right here on my balcony this spring.  It is both a simple and ingenious idea.  Got Pallets?

Here is how to use an old pallet as a garden bed.  Staple garden cloth on the backside of the pallet fill with dirt and start growing!  Now all I have to do is figure out what grows here.

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