Monday 8 April 2024

Got To Stick Around

While I now have a surgeon for my by-pass surgery I still do not have a date.  However, whenever my surgery is, I learned that I have to stick around.  My wife would not survive if I died.

I do not mean she would be devastated although I am sure she would be.  What I mean is she has no idea how to run our house.  She would be lost.

Case in point:

  1. We have lived in our building for 5 years and she did not now where the garbage room was.
  2. She does not know her online banking passwords or Canada Revenue password.
  3. She can not reach the controls on the dryer (we have a stackable set)
  4. She did not know she had to take the dishwasher soap pod out of its plastic wrap before putting it in the dishwasher.

So regardless of when my surgery finally takes place I have to stick I can keep her alive.

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