Monday 18 December 2023

Keep It Simple

In years past, my wife and I have kind of overdone it when it came to Christmas decorating.  Blow ups on the porch, two tress, and LED snowflakes in the window that turned the night into day.  This year we have really toned it down.

We are the first apartment beside the front door which the condo decorates.  I decided not to try and compete with that this year.  So the two blow ups are gone and have been replaces with one small porch tree with white lights.

Inside, we have really cut back on the decorations as well this year.  One of our two trees is now in the building's amenities room, donated to the social committee to replace the tree that was starting to fall apart.  Our living room has a beautifully decorated (by my wife) tree and stockings hung on the mantel with a couple of small snowmen (I won at a Christmas party) on the end table.

The two LED snowflakes that would normally be blinding all of our neighbors are still in the shed.  While I do miss them not including them was more of a happy accident.  After getting everything packed into the shed, I realized that they were sitting on the far side of the shed and had no intention of pulling everything back out to get to them.

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