Monday 15 May 2023

A Rose By Any Other Colour

Yesterday was Mother's Day which, of course, had me thinking about my mother.  It is funny the things that one remembers when reminiscing.  For example, yesterday I was thinking about flowers.

When I was much younger and my family regularly attended church all the men received a boutonniere when coming into the church on Mother's day.  My father's flower was always a different colour than mine or my brother's.  At first, I thought they just randomly gave them out, but I have since learned that was not the case.

When I was little, I wanted the same colour flower as my father.  Yesterday I was thinking about that and it made me sad because I if I had gone to church yesterday (and they still gave out the boutonnieres) I finally would have had the same colour flower as my father.  The reason that they were different colours in the first place was because his mother had passed away and mine had not. 

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