Thursday 15 October 2020

Return To A Simpler Time

When I was a kid I had to walk to school.  As a school rule this meant that, most days, I was expected to walk home for lunch.  It was a bit of a bonus to eat lunch in the living room and watch cartoons before heading back for lunchtime recess.

Many days lunch consisted of a sandwich, cookies, and apple.  However on cooler days I got a hot lunch like soup or Heinz pasta.  In the next few weeks, I will be reliving those carefree days.

Our local Co-Op had Heinz pasta on sale last week, 5 cans for $5.00.  Well, we were at the store twice during the sale, so I have 9 cans (I already had one) in the pantry.  So now that the weather is changing I will be enjoying some Alphaghetti, Scooby Doo, Spaghetti, and Zoodles!

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