Monday 22 January 2018

Recipe Calendar Tips

Calling the calendar my wife got me for Christmas a "recipe-a-day" calendar is inaccurate.  While there are recipes, and some really good ones, from Monday to Friday the weekend is dedicated to cooking tips.  The first two, I had not really paid attention to, but this weekend's tip quite my eye.

When trying a recipe for the first time, read through the entire recipe twice
before you take the first step, which helps avoid mistakes later.

I receive an email with 4 recipes from Kraft daily, and I have started getting recipe e-mails from the Canadian Beef Producers too.  A lot of the time, I will select recipes to post to my blog based on the name or top few ingredients.  So reading the entire recipe through, at least once, will save me some time.

I have gotten half way through a post and thought I do not want to do that, or I have to do what? 

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