Saturday 21 January 2017

A Successful Operation

Last Saturday, I had to decide whether or not to buy a cheap monitor to last until we got our tax rebate back and I bought a new computer.  A decision that my wife made for me with my "honey do" list, as I mentioned in To Buy Or Not To Buy.  So I cleaned off my desk, set up her laptop, and started to pull the hard drive from my old computer.

I have pulled a hard drive out of a computer a few times.  In fact, I have even added a second hard drive to a computer tower before.  However, I as looked into the computer to find it, I knew I was in trouble.

Fortunately, as always, my Father came to the rescue.  He found and e-mailed me an online version of the computer's manual.  Unlike older versions that I have worked on, the hard drive on my computer was attached to the bottom of the CD-Rom.

With the instructions in front of me, it was a successful operation.  I removed the hard drive and replaced the CD-Rom.  As far as I can tell, it was the monitor that was the issue, so I re-assembled the computer so that I an give it to somebody to refurbish.

On Monday, my wife and I went to Staples and bought a hard drive reader.  I have connected it to my wife's laptop as is for now.  Once I have my own computer, I will reformat it to wipe out Windows and use it as a storage unit.

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