Monday 26 December 2016

Boxing Day

Christmas is over.  The presents have been opened.  The feast has been eaten, well some of it anyway.

Welcome to Boxing Day, or it is known around our house...Leftover buffet day!  We have leftovers for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Very nice after two days of prep and cooking.

For breakfast we have german pancakes, from our anniversary (Dec 24) and ham frittata form Christmas morning.  For lunch, there is pizza left over from Friday night (Dec 23), 'cause nobody wanted to cook and chicken wings from the deep fried dinner on our anniversary.  For dinner, it is turkey with all the trimmings left over from last night.

After he hustle an bustle of our anniversary and Christmas Day, it is nice to have a day when all the meals are already cooked and just need to be heated through.

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