Monday 7 November 2016

An Unexpected Journey

My wife has Mondays off.  I am sure that there are those reading this that have seen me post that before.  During the summer, we tend to take day trips and explore our corner of the world.

Once the snow starts to fly, we tend to remain in the safer confines of the city.  My wife does not even like to drive out to Wal-mart on the edge of town.  You never know, in our part of the world, when a blizzard or white out will come out of nowhere on the open road.

So here we are on the first Monday of November.  We, well my wife, decided it would be a good day go clean out and rearrange our storage locker.  We moved the camping gear to the back, the Christmas decorations got moved to the front, and 3 garbage bags of stuffed animals (left over from a toy drive) got dropped off at the Salvation Army thrift store.

Instead of heading home, we took advantage of the unseasonal November weather. While it was not as extravagant as some of our summer road trips, we hit the open road one last time.  I think the dog was quite happy for one last chance to sit with his head out the back window watching the scenery go by.

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