Monday 23 July 2018

What's In A Name

I have been having a debate on Facebook recently with the women who were the mothers on the street where I grew up.  I still refer to them as Mrs. and they feel that it is okay for me, in my late 40's, to address them by their first names.  To which I have to reply, nope that is not going to happen.

It is the way I was raised, and the way I will continue to address them.  But that is not the point of this post.  This relates to the husband of one of these women.

Yesterday was his birthday, and I sent him a "happy birthday" via Facebook.  However, I did not send it to him as Mr. (and yes, I would have sent it as Mrs. to his wife), I sent it to him addressing him by his first name.  I suppose that one of the differences is that even back then I would have addressed him by his first name.

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