Monday 29 February 2016

The Joy Of Soup

It does not take much to get me excited.  At Christmas, I become the biggest kid (something I am sure I have mentioned before).  I also love a trip to the county fair, or what passes for it in the city.

But something that gets me really excited is the opportunity to test the recipes that I post here on my blog.  The best testing ground I have, as we have not yet started entertaining like we plan to, is our church.  Whether it be a Chorealis Potluck or a Soup Sunday, I get to experiment with recipes.

Yesterday was a Soup Sunday.  I took chicken pot pie soup, a recipe I have been looking forward to trying.  While I can tell you the soup was enjoyed, I cannot tell you how it tasted.  By the time I got through the line up, it was already gone.

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