Monday 21 May 2018

Summer Shearing

It is the Victoria Day long weekend, also referred to in parts of the country as the May two-four weekend.  As a side note, when I was a kid this was one of the only holidays celebrated with fireworks.  To many, this weekend is the unofficial start of the summer.

Sure I know that summer really starts in about 1 month.  But this weekend starts the pilgrimage to campgrounds, cottages, and beaches.  As my wife and I do not have a trailer or cottage, I had to find another way to celebrate this momentous occasion.

Now I have had some form of facial hair since about grade 11.  It has ranged from the terrible teenage mustache to a full beard.   I am not allowed to be clean shaven anymore, on those rare occasions when I do shave my wife just gives me the look and says "no".

So this weekend, I decided it was time for my summer shearing.  A half an hour, and 5 disposable razors, later I had gone from my full, heavy, winter beard to my summer van-dyke (mustache and a goatee).  While it means more work for me, I have to shave much more frequently now, my wife prefers my summer look.

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