Monday, 18 August 2014

Unwelcome Guests

Over the last week or so, my wife and I have spotted some unwanted guests roaming around our apartment.  We seem to playing host to bugs.  My wife is certain they are roaches.  So far they have been wandering around the entry hall, used the bathroom, and peeked in to see what is cooking in the kitchen.

I am pretty sure that they are just guests and have not taken up permanent residence. The ones that have been roaming the entry hall and kitchen more than likely walked under the front door.  My wife actually watched one of the ones spotted in the bathroom come out of a whole in the wall by the tub.  She immediately drowned it in Raid.

I am not sure why they have chosen to visit us at all.  Perhaps, they too find it too hot outside.  Maybe the carpets being torn up in the hallway (again) has pushed them out of their home.  For all I know it is some sort of insect Manifest Destiny and they are expanding their territory.  Regardless of why they are here, I do not want them here.

We have notified our building manager and got a notice back saying exterminators were coming and to prepare for their arrival.  Part of said preparedness included making sure everything was clean. Here is where I get to my biggest concern with our unwanted guests, and the point of this post.  I am the Domesticated House Husband, keeping our apartment clean is kind of my thing.  I am sort of offended that the assumption is made that my home is not clean.

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