Monday, 25 August 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge

I realise that this post has nothing to do with being a domesticated house hubby, but I am going off script today.  Two days ago, I watched on Facebook as my sister-in-law and my two young nephews did the Ice Bucket challenge.  I got myself challenged when I asked my sister-in-law which uncle my nephew had challenged.  Her brother and I share the same first name.

I wanted to be challenged.  I have watched countless celebrities, athletes, and friends do it via Facebook videos.  I thought it looked like fun.  So yesterday, I stood in the tub, threw out a few challenges of my own, and dumped a mop bucket of ice cold water over my head.  Sadly, I have no video evidence to back up my claim.  I can barely take a picture with my cellphone, what was I thinking trying to record a video.  I thought the camera was rolling, it was not.

I posted the following to Facebook...

Did my ‪#‎ALSicebucketchallenge‬ today after getting myself nominated by my sister-in-law when I asked which Uncle my nephew was nominating.  Sadly, I have no video evidence (I can barely take pictures on my phone, let alone video).  So my wife and I will also be making a donation to ALS.

It is not the triumph video of myself completing the challenge that I had hoped to post.  I did not bother listing those I challenged when I posted to Facebook, because I had no proof I had done it.  I, certainly, was not about to try it again once I got the phone figured out.  Trust me one bucket is more than enough for a life time.  But my wife and I will do what we would have done anyway, and make a donation to our local ALS Office.

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